Tuesday 24 June 2014

Paradigm shifts and digital divides have been crowding the brain this week. 

The challenge I've set myself is to analyse how effectively I am utilising the laptops in my classroom, and how I can adapt and modify the classroom program to promote effective use of them… thus comes the paradigm shift! 

We are at the very beginning of the digital learning journey. I feel like I'm standing on one side of the crevice debating in my head about the best place to leap across from. I don't want to get trapped in the crack. Everything I'm learning tells me not to go down the blended learning route for longer than necessary and to cross the crack quickly… however all the ideas stem from tablets and iPads! I'm struggling for Best Practise ideas with effective laptop use.

Leading into the last weeks of term, the 'To Do List' includes:

  • Set up a class blog.
  • Set up a class Pinterest link to have boards with topical ideas related to our learning areas, inquiry directions etc...

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